The Source With Kaitlan Collins : CNNW : August 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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when he ran in 2016, he understood that overturning roe v. >> wade was a core conservative priority. so he agreed to put a list of judges out before the election. who were conservative. >> i am going to give a list of either five or ten judges that i will pick to show. you may not trust me on this issue, but here's what i would do if i was president, i will guarantee that those are going to be the first judges that put up for nomination. if i win, that tells me that. >> yes, i can trust you with my vote because on the issues that matter, most to me, i can tell that these people are going to do hopefully rule as we would want them to again, both hour-long episodes of the whole story with anderson cooper airs monday on labor day, starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern time

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straight from the source and i, donald trump doing damage control as he has slammed not only from the left, but also by some on the right over his shifting positions on abortion and ivf. he has been all over them map in just the last 24 hours also was kamala harris refuse to distance herself too much from president biden's positions in that cnn exclusive interview, the city vp is now seen by voters as just as much of a change candidate as her opponent, or to go inside those surprising numbers and a former miss teen usa contestant now firing back at trump running mate j.d. vance, who is refusing to apologize for using an embarrassing old clip of her clip, you probably remember to mock his opponent. it's a moment that once made that pageant contestant contemplate suicide i'm pamela brown in for kaitlan collins, and this is the source right now on a

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busy friday night, donald trump is addressing the conservative moms for liberty group in washington, dc. and of course, we are monitoring every word, but we know he has one thing in particular killer on his mind cnn's interview with vice president kamala harris, he was clearly watching that first in-depth sit down with harris and her running mate, governor tim walz last night, and wanted to know of his supporters watched as well at a rally just a short time ago in pennsylvania i think she's going to be able to handle president xi at thanks. so china, north korea, russia, i don't know this is going to be the president of our country. i don't think so. >> sitting propped up in a desk with this guy, this is tampon tim tampon he also took aim at harris for changing some of her policy positions on the same day that he flip-flopped again

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on reproductive rights trump, who has often bragged about overturning roe v. >> wade, stunned many in his base yesterday when he said this i think the six week is too short it has to be more time and show that an i've told them that i want more weeks for you'll vote in favor of the amendment. i'm voting that i am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks the former president there is referring to florida's current six-week ban. but then today some apparent damage control. >> now he says he'll effectively vote to uphold that ban because voting yes on the ballot question would restore abortion rights to viability, which was the standard under roe do you need more time six weeks. i've disagreed with that right from the early primaries when i heard about it, i disagreed with it. >> at the same time, the democrats are radical because the nine months is it's just a ridiculous situation that we're you can do an abortion in the

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ninth month and, you know, some of the states like minnesota and other states have it where you could actually execute the baby after birth. >> and all of that stuff is unacceptable. so i'll be voting no for that reason. >> no state permits the execution of babies after birth. vice president harris is now slamming him for saying that he'll vote to uphold an abortion ban, so extreme that it applies before many women even know they're pregnant. and the vp says, the choice in this election is clear. so could issues like this hurt donald trump with women according to him, there's nothing to see here somebody said, women don't like donald trump. >> i said, i think that's wrong. i think they loved my republican source tonight and you are congressman marc molinaro congressman, thanks for coming on. so there is no question. you are paying attention to the presidential campaign and how it affects

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your own campaign. i imagine. >> do you know standing there right now what donald trump's position on abortion is, can you finot of lee say what it is president trump made clear? certainly to all of us in his shed that he would oppose a national ban in braces, ivf. and i'll just tell you, as a new york republican and as someone who spends a lot of time listening to the people i represent, i personally respect the choices women have to make and i've said this consistently and believe it as it relates to reproductive health the decision ought to be left to a woman and her physician in washington, dc shouldn't get in the way it's actually one of the reasons i have worked to block a national ban. i've kept my word to ensure that that i wouldn't move forward. and i was the first republican to join with democrats in sponsoring legislation to both codify access to ivf and to protect access to birth control and in mifepristone right.

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>> so let's dive a little bit deeper into that because donald trump is of course at the top of the presidential ticket and now he just shifted him it's abortion stance in the last 24 hours now saying that he's going to vote. no for this florida amendment, which effectively means he supports a six-week abortion ban. and i'm wondering, does his stance on abortion and the shifts and so forth, does it complicate your efforts? for reelection? you're obviously in a swing district right there. one that biden had won before you want it now as a republican and it's a tight it's a tight race that is a specific state ballot initiative. >> what i think the voters across american, certainly the ones that i represent, care deeply about on his in congress will members like me uphold our commitment both to block a national ban, which i haven't will and to respect women and the choices they make, it's actually by the way, one of the reasons that i continue to lead on access to prenatal neonatal

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care, access to health care by the way of broad question that we ought to be talking about. they're far too many individuals in rural communities like the ones i represent that don't have access to health care. i want to be sure that we're partnering to ensure that people do both behavioral health and physical health for me, nothing is it doesn't complicate for me what is my commitment? and that is to continue listen to and learn from the people i represent a hold my commitment to continue to make clear i would not support a national ban and to respect women and by the way, the choice that they make, we ought to be very respectful. the same time, those who choose ivf bring life in the world they too must the respected and the heartache that comes with it. and so i just think it's very important for those of us in congress. did reflect the interests of the people we represent and speak clearly with them and uphold the commitment we've made, which i have you say speak clearly with them again, donald trump for his part, shifted just in the last 24 hours and there's this

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new fox news poll out this weekend. >> it shows harris with an 11 point lead over trump among women in those key sun belt swing states. and yet you have these abortion stances just in the last 48 hours. he reposted this disgusting sexual reference about vp harris and his running mate. obviously has a lot of thoughts about a single women. the cat lady comments you've heard about. >> are you concerned that trump could lose this election by alienating some of these critical female voters why? i think we have to respect women. >> and we ought to be ensuring that every voice is heard. what is equally troubling for me is that the vice president, after serving with president biden, we know for months by the way, keeping from the public, but we knew was happening. president biden unable to serve another term. this decline covered that up. vice president harris leading the while. >> i understand that she show that she denies it. >> in fact we saw on stage

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during that debate, what what many democrats and members like me, new president biden was on the decline and unable to serve another four-year sheet. she oversaw the dismantling of border security, allowing 11.5 million illegal immigrants in this country. and quite frankly, i've done more interviews today. and the vice president has in the last 30 days, america's, americans deserve a robust debate and if they don't what they're hearing from president trump, i can't imagine what they what they have learned from vice president harris but she has been consistently hiding, by the way, it seems to be the democrat mantra these days. i'm running against the washington dc lawyer who won't even won't even ask your questions of the media. we have to be open and honest and leave to the voters. i think throughout transparency indirectness, what they think is best, but she's avoided all scrutiny and for that, by the way ought to she did speak to cnn in this exclusive interview last night that you mentioned and i do want to take a little bit of that some sound from that about these issues that you just mentioned. let's listen donald trump, bad word

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of this bill that would have contributed to securing our border. and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically he told his folks in congress, don't put it forward. he killed the bill so congressman back in april, you voted for this bill. did donald trump hand or a gift by telling republicans to kill the bill, which did happen i mean, i take issue the entire context joe biden and kamala harris coming to office using, by the way, the legal arguments my opponent, josh riley made before the supreme court dismantled through executive action border security in this country allow over the course of a year and a half 11.5 million individual visuals come into this country illegally, allow states like new york to continuing to brace sanctuary city status. >> and by the way, then transport the federal government, this president transporting illegal immigrants all across the country and to cities and communities by the

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way, like mine, a peruvian gang leader, 23 murders placed in a village in upstate new york she allowed this to happen but after he's arguing, there and they'll let me let me finish after a year-and-a-half and 11.5 million people let into this country. >> president biden, vice president harris didn't pick up the phone to negotiate at all. the house adopted border security. we're committed to it. they wait to the crisis comes by and adopts a half measure. they want us to adopt something that codifies the problem instead of solving it, he didn't hand anybody a an easy argument. the vice president allowed the bill if you think it doesn't, you vote, you were supportive of that bill? right? now. >> she says have helped would help solve help solve the problems. >> go ahead know that jeff provision that that bill that they were negotiating in the senate, one was never negotiated with the house, didn't come to a vote in how we voted for the strictest

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border security in generations, a year-and-a-half ago and president biden he didn't negotiated with us then instead they allowed for the dismantling of border security, the surrender over southern border 11.5 million illegal immigrants into this country. >> and then a year-and-a-half later, they want to have a conversation. i mean, come on. they should have been negotiated. they should have upheld remain in mexico. they should have upheld for security, then we wouldn't have the crisis of they're making now, what about the changes in asylum that has now causing the number supplement? >> are you satisfied with that again, this president and kamala harris surrendered the southern border to drug cartels and just i mean, it's a clear indication. >> there action there, executive action only months ago it should have been taken a year-and-a-half ago when they allowed 11.5 million illegal immigrants into this country. and i will say as a representative of upstate new york, to have a peruvian gang leader, 23 murders arrested at the border and then released,

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catch and release the legal argument my opponent made before the supreme court if threatening ultimately he the lives of people in upstate new york. now, they should be ashamed of what they did and instead should have come to the table immediately to negotiate in today. there ought to be absolutely the president ought to ensure that he uses executive action to keep the damn border close the left it open for a year-and-a-half. >> all right. congressman marc molinaro. thank you very much for coming on the show. >> you bet. thanks. be well, am i democratic source tonight, california congresswoman katie porter. >> let's get your reaction first to what we just heard from congressman molinaro well, i think what congressman millennia is doing is trying to have it both ways, both defend his own seat at the same time, tried to distance himself from his leader, donald trump's policies, which are policies that most americans don't want. >> look, i think the biggest problem with donald trump and it's not one that republicans down-ballot are going to be able to run from. is that donald trump is simply being

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deceitful, deceitful donald, than remarks that he makes. for example, about abortion are simply untrue. and i think that what americans are looking for is an end to that kind of chaos and to have a thoughtful leader america has got a lot of opinions about a lot of different issues, whether it's immigration or it's an abortion. but you can't have any meaningful discussion with someone who's simply being deceitful and deceitful. donald, here is going to be a losing ticket for republicans down-ballot. and i think you hear the congressman struggled going with that. >> let me ask you about, as we're talking about donald trump and his views, he is now promising to make ivf free. it's of course not clear where that money is going to come from. >> but is trump's promise on ivf something harris should adopt? well, look, i think kamala harris has made very clear again and again that she wants women to have health care. and health care choices. so i do think that she should be supported as she always has

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two out her career access to health care for women, and that includes reproductive care with ivf control he should adopt that the free ivf that donald trump is now proposing look, ivf is a medical procedure. >> so i think it ought to be covered by health insurance in the saint when i think we need to have stronger health insurance, lots of kinds of health care are covered without deductible, including things like immunizations and primary care think that's absolutely something she ought to be considering. the difference between kamala harris and donald trump are two things. one, kamala harris will have a plan to pay for this and to implement it thoughtfully because it won't just be a hollow promise and an empty talking point no american should take donald trump seriously in his comments about for ivf, or abortion. why? because he's been all over the place so he said he's against these four and he's for this, he's for that. you can't trust him, whereas kamala harris has made very, very

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clear that we can trust her to let women and health care providers and families make their own decision with out government interference. >> all right. >> i want to talk to you about her economic plan because when harris spoke to cnn yesterday about her economic policies, this is what she laid out. >> my agenda includes what we need to do to bring down the price of groceries, for example, dealing with an issue like price gouging, what we need to do to extend the child tax credit to help young families be able to take care of their children in their most formative years. what we need to do to bring down the cost of housing my proposal includes what would be a tax credit of $25,000 for first-time homebuyers and we should note congress would need to approve the homebuyers down-payment support and economists largely agree that price gouging is not a primary factor with higher grocery prices. >> are you concerned at all that she's over-promising? on something that she won't be able to deliver on if she wins

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kamala harris has already delivered with joe biden on a number of those issues. >> the child tax credit has to be passed through congress and it was a big, big hit with american families, with all families helping reduce child poverty and mics are next next generation workforce even stronger. she understands what americans are concerned about. they're concerned about being able to afford food, being able to take care of their children, being able to buy a house there. she said during her campaign on the very real concerns of americans, what are we getting from donald trump name calling and so i think that it's a very, very clear difference i do think that there is a need to address corporate price gouging. it comes because of monopolies and there have been studies that show the viewer producers, you have the more monopoly power that company has, the more likely they are to price gouge to overcharge and not to have competition competition is a core part of capitalism. and so when she says stopping price

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gouging, which he's talking about is making sure that we have a fair economy. and that's something that benefits every american. >> all right, congresswoman katie porter, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> well, tonight, trump also said harris will probably call him a racist at the debate. here. clip and our analysis of what else might happen 11 days from now plus, we're going inside the numbers, what you need to know about the latest polling and who voters view most as a change candidate? >> kamala harris, yellow trump, the debate. everyone's been waiting for follow. cnn for complete coverage and exclusive pre and post debate hello is a cnn special event, the abc news presidential debate simulcast september 10 at nine on cnn and streaming on max. >> the tv moments that took culturure overer the edge.e. >> people who are watching and then our world change he hadad n explosive reverberation tv on ththe edge frorom airs sununday seseptember 22, didid nine on c

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racist on a week from now, we can have i look forward to that debate very much looking forward to that debate, to my political sources tonight, former communications director for vice president harris, ashley etienne, and republican strategist, brad todd great to see you here. >> all right, so ashley that sound that we just heard from donald trump as he projecting what he wants to happen. do you think he wants kamala harris to call him a racist i really don't spend much time thinking about what trump wants. >> i mean, honestly sorry, maybe it's too late at night. i should say that breaking the truce right exactly. but but here's here's what i think the strategy is going to be from the harris campaign's perspective, and that is to let trump be trump you know, i think what she's going to try to do is you know, do with democrats don't typically do. and that is she's going to defend her own record, lean into it and hold him accountable. we'll to his secondly, what i think she's going to try to do is needle him a little bit strategically,

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needle him to get underneath his skin because there's nothing in my experience having worked with speaker pelosi, there's nothing that gets under donald trump's skin more than, than a woman challenging him. and so i think she's going to do that and hold him accountable to his his record and also lean in hers and needle him as much as she can to try to unravel him. and i think to put himself and put donald trump on full display. >> so i think that's going to be strategy. >> what do you think brad i think it's time for him to get serious we are heading into the fall labor day marks the start of the campaign. >> and it's time for the lock in on audiology sometimes in rallies, he likes to play to the crowd, tried to get a rise out of the crowd. it's time to stop that she's the most liberal person to run for president on a major party ticket in history, american history, he has to make that audiological case ideology is not his favorite mode of attack, but it's what he has to do if he does it, he's going to win i mean, i think you're absolutely right. i mean, he's

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not a policy guy. that's not what he does best. he bloviate, spews hatred sexism, racism, all of those things. and so i think that's what she's gonna do. she's going to allow him to be himself and by doing that, it's going to remind people of what they dislike most about donald trump, why they don't want to support him, which is why you've seen him stall out in the polls, which is why he can't get over 47, 48%, which is why he has no path for growth. i mean, i think you're absolutely right if he would stick to the policies, if he would actually be disciplined, maybe he could create some room to grow his base. but the reality how do you that's not who he is, he never has been that person. >> he was just one from january to june and were in a wrong track country where the incumbent administration is very easy to be disciplined against joe biden. i mean, you only had one line to use against him, which was his age. now, he's no longer in and they couldn't completely flailing around trying to land a punch on a commonly harris and they haven't seemed to be able to do that. >> well, i want to ask about abortion. i mean, for one, we

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saw donald trump's changed his stance on abortion in the last 24 hours. as you sit here right now, but you say he needs to be disciplined on ideology. we really need to focus did you see that from him on abortion? can you say definitively what his stances right now? >> i think he doesn't want to lose the election on abortion. i think that's a stance and it has a lot of conservatives nervous about it as well. you know, he, he prefers to run on other issues on security issues and economic issues. he probably should go back to issues where he's comfortable instead of one of who he's going have a different position and every day, americans were upset about where the economy is. they're upset about what's happening at the border those are two issues where he has an advantage and a big part of campaigning is keeping the debate on subjects where you have an advantage that's what he needs to do. >> yeah. >> i think in this case, i mean, sorry to interrupt, but i don't think i mean, i don't think donald trump has an advantage on neither either of those. if you look at the border, the border crossings are down 40% lower than they were when donald trump was president. you look at the economy, inflation is down,

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unemployment is down, wages are up you know, this is the strongest according to the wall street journal, this is a strongest economy. the envy of the world. so those two issues aren't working to his advantage, which is why he's not leaning into them anymore, which is why now he's trying to shift to abortion, to try to pick up some of these suburban women. but the reality is like women are fools, are not foolish. this this is a president, a former president who bragged about reversing roe. he bragged about the fact that he was found liable for sexual assault against a woman. he's got a running mate who denigrates women and says that if you don't have any children, you mean less. and our american democracy. i mean, women are not going to be fooled by this, but so disrespectfully, he has no sort of no issue. that'll land a punch on vice president harris. well, that'll grow his base of support and the polls show that kamala harris is doing much better than he has when it comes to female voters. but i want to play some sound from her from last night that really

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stuck out to me when dana bash asked her about a comment that donald trump made about her do you suggested that you happened to turn black recently for political purposes questioning a core part of your identity any same old tired playbook next question, please. >> that's it what do you think about that strategy not to engage. oh, no, i think it was absolutely smart and it's brilliant. i mean, it's a consistent she's right. this is consistently with donald trump. does he tried to invalidate barack obama with a birthright? but some movement in argument. so this is what he does, but the reality is this is the stuff that people dislike most about donald trump. and this is not working any longer. it might rev up his maga base, but the reality is that's not a winning strategy. the maga base is underperformed of the last three cycles he needs to figure out how does he build and grow his base and the reality is the people who he needs to grow with don't like this kind of

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talk. >> i think it's a distraction and 67% of the country thinks that governments on the wrong track, the economy and the border, they're not happy with. she's part of the administration that put it where they're not happy with that's his past after victory and he has to avoid any kind of distraction or any kind of insult that might take attention away from that if it's an election, a referendum about, is this administration doing a good job or not? he has a great chance to win. he just has to be focused on it. >> so understand the wave of poll coming up. we're going to discuss with a pollster take on gonzales, that actually the people polled actually looked at her as a change agent. the change candidate, even though you see donald trump trying to frame her as just an extension of joe biden and so forth. so we're going to talk about that. there's the tease for you guys coming up. thank you so much, ashley, brad, great conversation so what we're just talking about right, the first ballots in this lecture, they're gonna go out and just a week from now, can you believe that and with this race tighter than ever now, a political insider, i was just

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talking about takes apart some of these new surprising numbers about kamala harris and how they view as the change candidate if you pull that one prpractical jojokers, all l thursdayay's atattack on tbtbs yourur dvr now y you realizeze home maintenanance jobs araren' worth the e risk. >> that's when w we call leeee fifilter to prprotect our r gut leaf filters, , patented f filt technolology keeps debriris out yourur gutters f for gooood, guguaranteed c crawley 3-3-3 le term or r visibly expeperienced a a new very l lu progreressive lensns d designed artificialal i intelligencnce. can prededict your n natural a.

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187, 7866 at 5:55 i hanako montgomery in tokyo. >> and this is cnn who was seen as the change candidate between the sitting vice president kamala harris and former president trump. all the answer actually might surprise you. we were just talking about this earlier. there's this new fox news poll out this week and voters and sunbelt battleground state say it's basically a

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toss-up giving harris a one-point advantage over trump when asked who they trust more to bring needed change, should they win in november? well, it's not like harris is shying away from the biden administration's record either. here's her defense from that exclusive interview with cnn last night very proud of the work that we have done that has brought inflation down to less than 3%. the work that we have done to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors. when will you do what we did in the first year of being an office to extend the child tax credits so that we cut child poverty in america by over 50% joe biden and i and our administration worked with members of the united states congress on an immigration issue that is very significant to the american people and to our security. i'll say that that's good work. >> so let's go deeper inside the numbers my source tonight, editor and publisher of inside elections, nathan gonzalez. so nathan house surprising is it

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that the city vp can be seen as a change candidate? >> well, i mean, it's surprising because she is the vice president, but also when you when you look at them and you look at the aging current president of the united it states versus a black woman it's, there's some ability for her to put some distance there, but this is one of the fundamental fights of the election can she balance that balance defense of the policies that maybe some people don't like. but also being someone that i'm going to bring a new a new era or new term to this. and that's republicans because clearly want to make this a referendum on the biden administration like brad was talking about, because that's the winning that's how they were going to win with biden at the top. but now it's a little more challenging because she's at the top and it's interesting too, because in her interview last night, she really didn't put a lot of daylight between her and president biden, right? even though she would say we have more work to do, how important is it? how important is this? this idea of a change candidate in this election who could win a nobel? >> well, it's important because, you know, a majority of the country believed a majority of voters believed that the country is headed in the wrong direction. so they're

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looking for change when this election looked like it was between two old white men, they were looking for change, looking for something different, not just a rematch. and now democrats are providing an alternative. they haven't candidate who is not the sitting president who hasn't been the nominee before. and so being being the change agent at a time when people don't like the status quo is very important there is this new quinnipiac poll out, and it was conducted entirely after the dnc and it finds that harris and trump within the margin of error, as you see here on the screen, nationally, 49 to 47 harris supporters are not even more enthusiastic to vote for her than trump supporters forum 75 to 68. >> enthusiasm and been a change candidate were to advantages trump had just a few weeks ago it's really remarkable to see how it's been flipped essentially, right and one of the things that stuck out as trump at 47% he's been very static in 2016, he got 46% of the vote in 2020, he got 47% of the vote. >> he's at 47% of the vote in this poll. and so it's all

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about the democrats and what they can do and can they boost their number on the enthusiasm frankly, an enthusiastic vote counts the same as an unenthusiastic vote. but i think what's key for harris? harris is the her ability to consolidate the democratic base in but couldn't enthusiasm spur someone who may have been on the sidelines if joe biden had stayed in to actually go and vote? >> yeah. i think that there were some democrats who are unenthusiastic that maybe we're saying that we're going to vote for rfk jr. are not going to vote that eventually would have come behind biden, but now those people who are not only going to vote oh, for harris, but they might volunteer, they might do some work actually for the campaign because they're much more excited with her at the top than what they were with biden so much focus is on these battleground swing states, but your organization actually inside elections has some updates on house races and new york and california. >> why are these important? why should we care about them? right now? >> first of all, an entire chamber of congress is up for grabs in the majority is on the line. democrats only need a net gain of four seats. we made seven rating changes if people can see it inside, and it looks

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evenly divided between republicans and democrats. but what we're watching is how harris does at the top of the ticket because there is not a lot of tickets flooding in 2020 only 16 of 435 districts voted for one party for president, and the other party for the house. so biden was on pace to get crushed at the top of the ticket and drag house democrats down. but now harris is doing much better doing something closer to what biden did in 2020 that's going to help in places like new york california, or democrats have an opportunities to win districts that biden won in 2020 you also released some new information on swing state house races in michigan, pennsylvania, and virginia. >> what are you see in there? >> well, i think with this map, the electoral college map has shifted a little bit instead of it being the same six swing states. and by and trump potentially winning in virginia or new mexico, minnesota. now we're looking at six swing states adding north carolina to that list for 70 states, but then also is florida back in play and so the harris is doing

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much better in the swing states than biden and xi could be expanding the map. >> all right, thing gonzalez helping us better understand the state of play. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> up next, the wife of harris is running mate, has some choice words for the other side so let me use my teacher voice mr. vance how about you mind your own business monday night, a twtwo-hour whohole story spec, the candidates and their record on the key issues of the election season is their past, tell us about how they will memeet the whohole story w with andersonon coopeper monday s stg at 8 8:00 on cnn donald trtrum' back and h he's ouout for contn i i would haveve every r right afteter them completete control willll w wield that t power ver aggressivevely, and hehe has a n to get i it dedetailed plalans

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exacactly what our movemement w do is cacalled project 2025 a 92 page blulueprint to makeke dona trump ththe most powowerful presesident ever overhauliling departmement of juststice, givi trump the ununchecked popower t seek v vengeance, , eliminatinie departmement of educatioion and defundnding k ththrough 12 scho, requirining the govevernment to momonitor womemen's prpregnanci anand severe w we're cuts to medicarere andnd social securir >> d donald trump p may try toty it, bubut those arare donald trump's plans. >> well,l, revenge d does take time. i i will say t that in sometimes revenge can be justified. >> hill take control will pay ththe price. >> i''m kamala h harris and d i approvove ththis messagege it'se to grorow your bususiness crcre websbsite. how godaddy coding bt all l that writingng. >> nopope a.a.i. done, b built's get to w work to crereate a

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gwen walz slammed trump on the issue of reproductive rights. >> any alternatives to these donald trump is the one who took down roe and put access to ivf at risk. >> that's a fact and he is running on a platform that puts these treatments at risk nationwide and that's well, my source tonight is sarah mccammon, a political correspondent for npr, whose work has focused on abortion policy. and she is also the author of the evangelicals loving living and leaving the white evangelical church. hi sara great to have you on. as we know, donald trump is proposing making ivf treatments free if he's elected listen to what he said today i'd been an early proponent of ivf very early on. >> and we're going to government's going to pay for ivf when people when they did

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treatment where they want the treatment, where they want to go and with the fertilization government's going to get totally involved and they can help people while at the same time, he keeps saying states should decide laws and abortion and reproductive rights. >> his stance on reproductive rights seems to be all over the map. what do you make of all of this? >> yeah his messaging has been very mixed on abortion and reproductive rights for over a year to say the least. i think what i make of it is that trump is well aware that abortion appears to be a liability for republicans after the overturning of roe v wade, which of course he's he's bragged about his instrumental role in that there's been a voter backlash the last couple of years, whenever abortion has been on the ballot, voters have signaled support for abortion rights in several states, including some red states like kansas and kentucky. >> republicans including former president trump, are worried about that. >> so we've heard him try to soften his message on abortion and reproductive rights in several different ways. in recent months including what we just heard about ivf in vitro

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fertilization but then today at the same time, maybe said to fox news that he would vote against that amendment in florida, which effectively means he supports that six-week abortion ban that is in place in florida so he says that today and you have to wonder how much mo that gives the harris campaign and how much it could alienate some of those crucial female voters that he needs right? we heard we saw tremendous backlash to those statements, both about ivf and about his here's a statement that he initially seemed to indicate he would vote for the abortion rights amendment, then said he would vote against it. we saw backlash from the anti-abortion movement from some of his staunchest supporters. in response to those statements, which i think resulted in his decision to say no, i'm not voting for that amendment but let me just follow up with you because you have a unique perspective on evangelicals as someone who grew up, right? and the church.

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and you wrote a book about this. >> i mean, they were going to be in his corner regardless, right? >> it's not like because what of what he said yesterday, they were going to suddenly vote for harris. i mean, they were likely going to vote for him anyway, from what you know, it's not is not that they're going to vote for harris. i think the concern is about losing the support of the base in a post on x, kristan hawkins who is with students for life of america. she's been a supporter of trump and she's, she said she'd vote for him but she said that some of her supporters were saying they didn't want to get out and door-knock. so he's concerned about losing the support of his base while also trying to win over swing voters so republican senators, including trump's own running mate, j.d. vance, rejected an ivf bill this year with this provision similar to what trump is pushing. do you think that he could shift his party on this issue? >> again i think this is just a sign of the struggle for trump to define his message on issues of abortion and reproductive rights. he sees the liability

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there. >> it's a controversial, i guess really less of a controversial issue than some of those people think it is a majority of voters, including a majority of republican voters support access the ivf, but there are those in the anti-abortion republican base who object to ivf because it often results in the destruction of embryos and this is launched a debate several months ago after the alabama supreme court issued a ruling that temporarily resulted in lack of access to ivf in alabama bama. >> we saw republicans scramble to try to get a legislative fix there and scrambled really to try to fix their messaging on this issue because again, they're aware that this is a liability for republicans in november, i think we see trump trying to move his party a little bit on this and maybe just kind of trying to see what message will stick knowing the republicans are vulnerable in this area, will the state on the ivf front decides to ban ivf. it's unclear how trump's proposal would work, right. and

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and my colleague john berman press j. d. vance, about just that today and vance said the idea of a state banning ivf is a quote, ridiculous hypothetical point alabama saying after the supreme court decision there that the alabama legislature to quickly the alabama such a conservative state what do you think? is it a ridiculous hypothetical you know i think the way we saw things play out and alabama, which is a deep red state, suggests that it's unlikely at least anytime in the near future the bigger question i have about trump's ivf proposal is just sort of how will it work? >> how would how would he pay for it? ivf is a very expensive procedure. it can cause tens of thousands of dollars and it's such a departure from traditional republican positions on these issues i mean, you remember how much pushback there was to the affordable care act two public funding for four even a public mandate for health care of any kind and particularly around the issue of contraception. you know, the affordable care act

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includes a contraceptive mandate requiring most insurance companies to provide birth control at lower no cost. and that was that was an idea that had a lot of pushback from social conservatives. there was litigation around that, and the trump administration, when trump was in office, work to weaken those measures. so this is a real risk reversal from traditional republican positions on these kinds of issues. >> all right. sarah mccammon, thank you so much and have next j.d vance appears on cnn. he actually was asked about obamacare and whether the ivf idea from trump is an extension of that. and a man date. and he also refuses to apologize to a former team beauty queen for dana and embarrassing video clip for political person purposes, she is calling this a quote, shame and b bullied ththere's not a goodod hitit. > and that't's what i i heard momonsters of f amid. this is y team unenequivocallyly, we havee

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camps by jack archer, get yours today at jack slash tvtv, newsnighght with abbbby phillilip. > next on c cnn closed d captionining broughtht to you b meso b book if youou or a loveve have news of helium up we'll send you a free e book to answe questions you may have call now and we'll come to you harris, w how we got here. vance retweeted this 2007 clip of caitlin upton stumbling. answer sir with the caption, he'd gotten a hold of the full kamala harris cnn interview in 2015 up, didn't revealed that her public mocking from that trigger depression and suicidal thoughts when confronted with that fact today by cnn's john

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berman. here's how vance responded i posted a meme from 20 years ago and i think the fact that we're talking about that instead of the fact that american families can't afford groceries or health care, young families can afford to buy a home to raise their families. >> and those are the real crisis that we should focus on i'm not going to apologize for posting a joke, but i wish the best for kaitlan. i hope that she's doing well and again, what i'd say is one bad moment shouldn't define anybody and the best way to deal with this stuff is to laugh at ourselves. >> caitlin upton didn't see the humor though, posting on x quote, it's a shame that 17 years later this is still being brought up regardless of political beliefs. one thing i do know is that social media and online bullying needs to stop. and then she appeared to lead her x account just a short time later joining us now is axios media reporter sara fischer so sara, if you look at all of this together, right, you make the mosaic between this post by man's trump's

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recent flurry of posts about qanon and crude sexual jokes about harris. what are the consequences of posting stuff like this or do you think most people just find the humor in it like j.d vance said, that's no big deal. this is just like humor. >> i think their base thinks of it that way. i mean, they like whatever they're posting regardless of whether or not they're offending people, or they're bringing up traumas in the past. but the challenges, this is a close election and so you need to be caring to a much broader audience of independence, of undecided voters who might be looking at this and thinking, is this electability looks like, is this what professionalism and what a presidential and vice presidential candidate look like, right? people that joke, that are posting memes that might be offensive that's the question that they're going to have to figure out when it comes to j.d. vance. what do you make of this? what seems to be this emerging pattern of him? the way he talks about women and childless woman. >> i just think it's a lack of experienced political experience, especially right

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now we know that abortion ivf, birth control. these are such hot button issues. i don't think that the trump campaign is necessarily benefiting from some of his past comments on these issues you saw trump come out and said that he's going to make ivf freight to me this past week. he said that that feels like a huge rebuke of what j.d. vance is trying to do. and so i don't think that this helps the ticket. i think it's one of those things where if j.d. vance was well-vetted and they decided that these comments were going to be beneficial regardless. i'm curious who made that call? because i think that you have a huge voter population of women. this is an increasingly important issue. it's a weird time to have that i've record. >> yeah, it's interesting just seeing the role that social media is playing in this election. even just this week with this visit that trump had at arlington national cemetery and the controversy surrounding that. and this back-and-forth with an employee of the cemetery apparently, it was pushed aside by a trump campaign employee and now we've scene statements from the army and from the cemetery about how this was against the law. this

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campaign activity. and yet there is a tiktoks still a video that's still up even though this was apparently it gets law. there's been all this controversy. >> you know, it's interesting. this is a very online campaign. they're not afraid to dabble and controversy for the sake of getting the video. and there's something powerful to that i mean, donald trump has a massive, massive following on x. he has his own social media platform on truth, social whether or not this goes back to the same question, right? the base loves it, it works for the base that's why they're doing it. whether or not this hurts them when they're trying to expand out to an audience of undecided voters is the question they clearly don't think that's the case. they clearly think that the more attention they get, the better of the attention is. we'll see if the polls show that as we get closer to november, we will and bowed to go down and weaken some states, vote both are already starting to will soon be rolling in. thank you so much, sara fischer. we do appreciate it well, thanks for joining us. cnn newsnight starts right now. >> tonight anybody bogey? the polls, all of them show a

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